Plank’s Values

I’ve always thought of Plank as a company driven by strong values. But I recently realized that, while I may have internalized those values, I had never tried to formally communicate them to others. Sure, once someone has been part of the team for a little while, they get a sense of what we’re all about. I figured it was about time I put them into words.

We will have failures amidst our successes. There are going to be moments when we question what we are doing and who we are as a team. And that’s a good thing: it means we know who we should be and when we get off track, it drives us forward. While we may not always live up to them, it’s vital that we have standards to strive for. Our values are aspirational, something we move towards, and fight for. 

Plank’s Values 

These five core values guide us in our work and in our relationships. They are drawn from our 20-year history as a company, to keep us on track and drive us forward. 


People are at the centre of everything we do. We do our best to think about the needs of our partners, clients, their users, and fellow team members and lend our support and understanding.


Great work happens when people feel supported, valued, and trusted – we apply this respect to our team and to our clients. We believe that asking for help and asking questions is a sign of strength.


We aspire to learn something new every day and to work on projects that challenge us to do so. To keep our skills sharp, we invest in training and ongoing learning for our team.


We take pride in what we do, and always try our best to deliver the highest quality work. When we make mistakes, we own up to them, learn from them, and use them to become better at what we do. 

Work that matters

We choose our partnerships with care and consideration. We want to work on projects that celebrate a shared passion, solve a meaningful problem, and contribute to making the world a better place.


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